University of the Free State Online Registration

By | December 29, 2021

University of the Free State Online Registration

University of the Free State Online Registration – Bloemfontein

Do you want to register at the University of the Free State? Or do you want to change the modules that you have registered for? All the information you need is on these webpages. Before you start, keep in mind that:

  • the registration period ends on 10 February
  • all prepayment fees are paid 5 working days before registration
  • Please check the module and venue timetables (as published on the UFS webpage) before you register, to avoid timetable clashes. To access the official timetable, please click here.

Self-service registration

  • For an online registration demonstration, click here
  • For self-service registration on the Oracle PeopleSoft system, click here.

The system for self-service opens on 9 January .

Academic advice and registration information

Academic advice takes place from 23 January to 3 February .

  • For information about academic advice, click here .
  • For complete information about the registration process, click here

University of the Free State Online Registration

: Self Service Registration – Bloemfontein Campus

Self-service Registration – Bloemfontein Campus

To visit the online registration demonstration, click here

NB:     The university has made many changes in their curricula and module codes. Please consult your faculty rulebook if you are unsure of the module code(s) you need to register for. For access to the rulebook, click here.

For successful online registration, you must comply with ALL the steps below.

If your online electronic academic registration process is unsuccessful, you must report to campus per the programme for academic advice (23 January–3 February ).

You will receive a notification (email and/or SMS) and a link for the enrolment task. You can simply click (select) the link and it will take you to the webpage where you can log in with your student number and password for enrolment.

Please refer to the Enrolment Guide sent to you for step-by-step guidance on using the Online Enrolment Service. (Information will be sent during December 2016 for senior students and prospective first-year students.)

ENROLMENT FOR MODULES (COURSES) – University of the Free State Online Registration

STEP 1: Log in with your student number and password on the Oracle PeopleSoft system.

Make sure that your UFS password has not expired; you will need the password for access to electronic systems used by the UFS.

How to set your UFS password:

  • Log on to:
  • To activate your password, log in with the following:

Username: Student number

Password: Your personal password.

If your password is reset, the UFS will issue you with a temporary password that you must change the first time you log into the system. You will need your cellphone to receive the One-Time-Pin.

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Please contact the student helpdesk at +27 51 401 2442 if you need further assistance with this facility.

STEP 2: Go to the Current Tasks tile on the Student Homepage within the PeopleSoft system and click on the task.

Under the ‘Current Tasks’ tile will be an activity that is called ‘UFS Student Enrolment’.

STEP 3: Follow the different activities listed on the left side of the Student Task WorkCenter page until the task is completed.

The system will allow you to log out and return later to continue with the different activities until you have completed the task.

STEP 4: Please confirm that all the modules (courses) you wished to enrol for reflect on your Proof of Registration. The Proof of Registration is available on the Student Centre page, but will also be emailed to you the day after you registered.


For changes to the modules (courses) you enrolled for, or if you want to cancel your enrolment (registration), you can follow one of the processes below:


STEP 1: Log in with your student number and password on the Oracle PeopleSoft system.

STEP 2: Click on the Student Centre tile on the UFS Student Homepage.

STEP 3: Click on the Enrolment link on the left side of the page under ‘Academics’.

STEP 4: Select the term (semester) you want to change.

STEP 5: Click on ‘Continue’.

STEP 6: Click on the Add or Drop Modules buttons to select the required action.

STEP 7: Select the modules you want to add or drop.

STEP 8: Confirm your selection by clicking on the Submit button.

STEP 9: Confirm that the changes were affected on the screen and also verify on your Proof of Registration.

ENROLMENT CHANGES (OPTION 2): University of the Free State Online Registration

STEP 1: Log in with your student number and password on the Oracle PeopleSoft system.

STEP 2: Click on the My Education Plan tile on the UFS Student Homepage.

STEP 3: Select the Enrolment Tab on the page.

STEP 4: Select the Add/Change Courses button on the page.

STEP 5: Select the Course (modules) you want to add or remove.

STEP 6: Select the Update Planner button.

STEP 7: Select the Validate Planner button.

STEP 8: Select the Build Schedule button.

STEP 9: Select the Enrolment button.

STEP 10: Verify that all the changes were affected on the screen and also verify on your Proof of Registration.

Guidelines for registration – Bloemfontein Campus

Follow these 10 steps to register for your qualification and modules:


Do you have an active KOVSIE student number?

If YES, proceed to step 2.

If NOclick here

You must apply for admission before you can register. If you interrupted your studies, you must reapply via the Applications and Admissions Division to continue with your studies. If you want to change your qualification, collect the correct form from the Admission Officers FIRST, and then contact your faculty for permission to change.

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Have you made the prepayment for registration in ?

If YES, proceed to step 3.

If NOclick here

For information about bursaries, click here

Remember that the prepayment, as well as outstanding fees from 2016, must be paid at least 5 workdays before registration.

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Do you have any questions on the rules of the university/faculties?

If YESclick here for information.
If NO, proceed to step 4

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Do you want/need to change the qualification you have been admitted to?

If YESclick here for information.
If NO, proceed to step 5

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Have you received academic advice yet?

If YES, proceed to step 6.
If NOclick here for the academic advice programme.

Students should preferably obtain academic advice before registration.

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If you have answered yes to all previous questions, you may proceed to register for your qualification and modules.

  • For information about online registration and the links to the online registration process, click here .
    Please note that for some qualifications you cannot register online. You must register in person on campus for:

      • Some of the extended curriculum students
      • Occasional studies
      • Qualifications in the Faculty of Health Sciences
      • International students
      • UFS Business School students (unless otherwise communicated)
  • For information about the personal and electronic registration process on campus, click here.
  • Master’s and Doctoral Degrees: For information about the personal and electronic registration process on campus, click here.
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Do you have a proof of your registration?

If YES, proceed to step 8.
If NO click here for information.

It is your responsibility to make sure that your registration details are correct. Print a proof of registration after you completed the registration process in order to check the details.

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Do you need to change/correct your registration details?

If YESclick here for information.
If NO, proceed to step 9

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Do you want/need to change your qualification?

If YESclick here for information.
If NO, proceed to step 10

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Have you registered for all the modules you would like to attend?

If NOclick here for information.


Do you need to cancel your studies?

  • For information on complete cancellation of studies (after registration) and/or residence lodging please click here.
Do you have some questions?


You must check your official UFS email ( often. This email address is the official electronic communication channel we use to communicate with you – NO other email address will be used. However, you can arrange that the emails sent to your UFS email address are automatically forwarded to any other email you prefer, so that you receive university information.

To access your e-mail:

–           Go to

–           Use the password we issued you with to access your e-mail account.

–           Change your password regularly for security reasons.

–           If your password has expired or you forgot it, go to to change it.
You will receive a
one-time pin code via SMS to grant you access to change your password.

–           Set up and answer the security questions in advance, this will help you to get a password if you forgot it.

–           Alternatively, you can call the student helpdesk in the Department of Information and Communication Technology
Services (ICT) at +27 51 401 2442.

BLACKBOARD (E-LEARNING SERVICE) – University of the Free State Online Registration

Blackboard is an online learning management system. On Blackboard, you will find study material and assessments for the modules you registered for. Check that your modules show on Blackboard where applicable.

IMPORTANT: You will only find newly registered modules on the platform after 24 hours. Not all lecturers make use of Blackboard for additional study guidance. Talk to the relevant lecturer or look in your study guide if you what to know if a specific module should be available on Blackboard.

If the modules you registered for are not on Blackboard, notify the Blackboard Helpdesk:

On campus helpdesk

A helpdesk is available in EXR 4 for assistance with Blackboard enquiries during the registration period.

Off-campus helpdesk

+27 51 401 9452

To access Blackboard, visit the following websitewebsite:

To log into your Blackboard account, type:

Username: Student number
Password: UFS campus password