University of The Free State Map

By | December 29, 2021

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University of The Free State Map

University of the Free State (Pdf)


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GPS coordinates for the entrance to the University of the Free State

Latitute: 29° 6’27.08″S
Longitude: 26°11’32.90″E

University of The Free State Map, The University of the Free State is a multi campus public university in Bloemfontein, the capital of the Free State and the judicial capital of South Africa.


The university’s Bloemfontein Campus is near the city centre. The university also has two additional satellite campuses. One is also situated in Bloemfontein, referred to as South Campus, and the other in Qwaqwa that was, until 2003, part of the University of the North.

The University sports facilities cater for more than 20 sports, medical facilities and cultural activities, ranging from the political arena to outdoor life and the creative arts. It has a student centre, a student newspaper and a campus radio station. In addition, students have access to a library, a career and guidance centre, a student theatre and a computer centre.

Academic divisions

  • Economic and Management Sciences
  • Education
  • Health Sciences
  • Law
  • Natural and Agricultural Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Theology
  • University of the Free State Business School

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