University of The Free State Applications

By | December 29, 2021

University of The Free State Applications

Apply to study in

Become a UFS student in 9 steps:


Step 1: Apply online or in hard copy (undergraduate).
Step 2: Your application form is processed. You will receive a student number. If you have not submitted the required documents, you will be requested to do so in order to finalise your application.
Step 3: You are conditionally admitted once you meet all the admission requirements.
Step 4: If you have applied for campus residence, you will now receive correspondence from Housing and Residence Affairs.
Step 5: If you are accepted when the final Grade 12 results become available, in January 2025, you will receive a letter of acceptance.
Step 6: You have to make prepayments five (5) days prior to registration in January 2025. Use your student number as the reference number.
Step 7: Register during January 2025.
Step 8: Get your study material and timetable after registration.
Step 9: Enjoy your classes, which start early February 2025.

Visit to access the online application system.

Apply to study in second semester

  • Application for Admission in for  Download (PDF)

Application documents for admission for currently registered students

  • DV2 Form (Application to change an incomplete qualification (degree/diploma/certificate) and or campus of studies by a registered student.)
  • DV3 Form (Application form for registered students in their final year who wish to apply for a new qualification on completion of the qualification (degree/diploma/certificate) they are currently registered for.)

Selection forms

The Humanities 

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Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Economic and Management Sciences

Health Sciences

  • Application forms for selection at Health Sciences * You must also download and complete the DV1A form * for Undergraduate students  Faculty of Health Sciences School of Medicine / School for Allied Health Professions / School of Nursing: M.B.,Ch.B. B.Sc. Radiation Sciences B.Sc Physiotherapy B. Optometry B.Sc Dietetics B. Occupational Therapy B.Soc.Sc (Nursing) B.A. Hons. (Human Movement Science)