University of The Free State Postal Code

By | December 29, 2021

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University of The Free State Postal Code

Write to:

Bloemfontein Campus
Qwaqwa Campus South Campus
University of the Free State
P.O. Box 339
Bloemfontein 9300
South Africa
Qwaqwa Campus
Private Bag X13
Kestell Road
South Campus
PO Box 339
Oliver Tambo Street

Visit us:

Bloemfontein Campus Qwaqwa Campus South Campus
University of the Free State
205 Nelson Mandela Drive
Park West
Qwaqwa Campus
Kestell Road
South Campus
Oliver Tambo Street

Maps of our campuses
Or telephone:
Bloemfontein Campus: +27(0)51 401 9111

Qwaqwa Campus: Tel: +27(0)58 718 5000

South Campus: +27(0)51 401 9111

For general information, e-mail:

University of The Free State Postal Code, The University of the Free State (UFS) is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in South Africa. It opened its doors in 1904 on the Bloemfontein Campus with a mere six students in the Humanities. Since then, our institution has grown to more than 34 127 students, spread across seven faculties over three campuses.
In addition to the founding campus, the university has a South Campus in Bloemfontein. This smaller campus provides alternative access to higher education for promising students who have not obtained the required marks in their final school examinations. Our vibrant Qwaqwa Campus in the Eastern Free State serves a rapidly-growing number of rural students from the immediate area and surrounding provinces.


University of The Free State Physical Address, The changes taking place at the university continue to capture the imagination of people everywhere, including the international media, and our growing base of international universities.

Inspiring excellence. Transforming lives.
These objectives are the driving forces at the heart of the UFS. Through our Human and Academic Projects, we are a university internationally recognised for human reconciliation and compassion as well as for excellence in academic achievement.

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