University of The Free State Psychology

By | December 29, 2021

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University of The Free State Psychology

University of The Free State Psychology, Psychology is one of the biggest departments at the UFS, with around 3 400 students from six different faculties, namely Health Sciences, Economic and Management Sciences, Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Law, Theology, and the Humanities.


We offer undergraduate courses, an honours degree, as well as masters and doctorate degrees in Psychology. Our focus is eclectic, thereby exposing our students to as much as possible of what the field of psychology has to offer.

Psychology: Honours Programme in Psychology

The Honours Programme at the Department of Psychology offers students in-depth theoretical understanding of Psychology as a discipline, the opportunity to conduct a research project, as well as practical exposure to community engagement and service-learning activities.

After completion of the Honours Programme, students can apply for admission (subject to selection) to postgraduate training in professional psychology (Master’s in Applied Psychology) or academic psychology (Master’s in Research).

The duration of the programme is one academic year for full-time students or two academic years for part-time students. Students who want to complete the programme in more than two years will have to apply for special permission.

Certain modules are offered during the day and others during the evening. Day and evening modules rotate annually. Full-time students are expected to attend both the day and evening classes. Part-time students are accommodated in the evenings. All students are expected to attend contact sessions on a weekly basis (the programme is not presented via distance learning).

Most modules involve one three-hour contact session per week. For certain modules, practical opportunities and service-learning activities will be scheduled as well. At the commencement of each module, the lecturer will provide an outline of the module.

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The contact sessions for this programme will only be in English. All learning guides and assessment activities will be available in English and Afrikaans.

Feel free to contact us or make an appointment to visit us if you want to know more about this exciting field of study. (Map)

For more information, contact our information officer:
T: +27 51 401 2187

Address: Department of Psychology
University of the Free State
PO Box 339 (40)
South Africa
Tel: +27 51 4012187
Fax: +27 51 4013556