University of The Free State Hostels

By | December 29, 2021

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University of The Free State Hostels

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Do you want to experience the wholesomeness and joy of being a Kovsie student – where learners become leaders? There is only one answer. Get accommodation in a residence on the UFS Campus. It will be a life-changing experience that will create memories you will carry with you for the rest of your life.


Housing & Residence Affairs offers a variety of accommodation categories, including, residences, student flats, student rooms and residential units.

Housing & Residence Affairs strive throughout to make provision for the diverse needs of students, and therefore work together as a Team towards our Vision, Mission and Values.

A strong and healthy residence spirit characterises student life on the campus.  Nowhere else in the country does a campus accommodate so many students in residences in such close proximity as on our campus.  This ensures a wonderful campus spirit that is unique to being a Kovsie.

Living in any of our residences on the campus is a wonderful experience, as each residence has developed a strong residence spirit over the years.  Great traditions have been developed, which come to the fore strongly in several areas and make a considerable contribution to the colourful campus life.  This camaraderie lives on among old students, and reunions are held regularly to strengthen the bonds.

In each residence, it is endeavoured throughout to maintain a sound balance between academic work and fun and games.  An amount is divided annually among the residences that perform the best with regard to academics, sport, culture and diversity.

A Residence Head is in charge of each residence (including city residences).  The Residence Head is assisted by a prime and a Residence Committee (RC), which are separately and jointly responsible for the orderly and civilized management of the residence.  They also ensure that residence rules are complied with, and accept responsibility for everything that occurs in the residence.

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Furthermore, the Residence Head fulfils the role of substitute parent, serves as contact person for the parent and looks after the interests and education of each individual first-year student in his / her residence.

To contact us: Female Residence & Male Residence