5. University of The Free State Bloemfontein

By | December 29, 2021

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 5. University of The Free State Bloemfontein

 5. University of The Free State Bloemfontein, Access to the Bloemfontein Campus
  • Visitors Centre and access controlTo ensure safety and security on the university campus, visitors are required to enter the Bloemfontein Campus through the DF Malherbe gate (Gate 5), and to register at the Visitors Centre where they will be issued with a temporary access card for the various parts of the Bloemfontein Campus.Conference delegates
    Conference delegates and visiting groups will be registered at the Visitors Centre. For convenience, the department hosting the conference will be required to register visitors prior to their arrival so that access cards can be generated beforehand.

    The department or faculty hosting a visitor is required to contact the Visitors Centre and make all arrangements for access card(s) to be issued to their visiting delegate(s) and to be returned to the Visitors Centre once the conference is over.

    Students attending short courses
    Students attending short courses are required to apply for an access card for the duration of their studies, at a cost of R65. Applications can be done online or at the Visitors Centre front desk.

    The application should be accompanied by an identification document and a letter from the relevant department or faculty to confirm registration and the duration of the course.

    For online applications visit: http://www.ufs.ac.za/supportservices/departments/protection-services-home/general/ufs-access-management

    Day visitors
    On presenting their identification documents, day visitors, such as prospective students, parents, and others paying brief visits to the Bloemfontein Campus, will be issued with a temporary access card to the campus.

    Contractors and frequent visitors
    Contractors and frequent visitors, including spouses and family members who visit the Bloemfontein Campus frequently, are required to apply for a permanent access card. This can be done either at the Visitors Centre or online at a cost of R65. For more information on how to apply for an access card online, visit http://www.ufs.ac.za/supportservices/departments/protection-services-home/general/ufs-access-management

    At the centre, visitors will also be able to obtain directions to places on campus, as well as a copy of the campus map.

    For card application and general access control enquiries, please contact the Visitors Centre front desk: +27 51 401 7766 or email visitorscentre@ufs.ac.za

  • Campus Tours
    Our campus is one of the most beautiful in the country and is visited each year by many groups of prospective students and parents. If you are a school teacher – we offer group tours for schools. To book a tour, contact Marita Landman of the Student Information Centre at Thakaneng Bridge on mlandman@ufs.ac.za or +27 51 401 9288.

 5. University of The Free State Bloemfontein



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